Have you "achieved" balance?
It is common to hear folks talk about “achieving balance.” These words seem to imply you are done once you reach your goal. I have come to think of balance as less of a destination and more of a journey.
When I left a role three years ago at an established firm, one of my goals was to pursue a different balance in my life. I wanted to change where I spent my efforts between work, self, spouse, family and community.
I was talking to my coach last week and he shared an insight with me. He draws the parallel between personal balance and yoga. “Balance is the continuing act of falling and catching yourself.” In my experience trying yoga in the past, there is no doubt that when I attempt to achieve balance I am continuously adjusting and working hard.
Balance is an active pursuit. It requires continuous adjustment. Balance is hard. In the past, I have thought of balance as a static state. Upon reflection, I am rarely in balance during times where I have been static. The world is continually changing around me.
I recall a time when I settled into a new work role. I became familiar with the people, the job and the environment. I would be in a routine, leaving before my kids would wake up to arrive early to the office. Stop to get coffee from Starbucks. Returning home around the same time every day. My routine became static, and I was not actively pursuing balance. My adherence to this routine distinctly kept me from questioning whether I was in balance.
Seek out balance between various priorities at work. Actively question where you should spend your time. Consider every day your balance between work and home, time for yourself and others. Make balance an active pursuit. Continuously question and evaluate your choices. How do you continuously pursue balance?