Resolve to Set a Goal

This time of year there are lots of articles about making new year’s resolutions. It’s a good catalyst to think of the new year as an opportunity to resolve to make a change. I propose you take the opportunity to set a goal for the next three months. And make a resolution to do that for yourself every quarter.

Quarterly goal setting can help you stay on track with progress that might otherwise feel overwhelming. Setting an annual goal may just be too much to wrap your head around. And setting goals for the week or the month are too small.

If you feel out of touch with your network, set a goal to talk to a certain number of people in your network over the next three months. Maybe set monthly or weekly interim goals. Measure and hold yourself accountable.

If you haven’t learned a new skill lately, set a goal for you to learn something new. Perhaps a programming language. Not just learn it, but put it in practice. Set a goal to publish a simple project with basic functionality on GitHub in that language.

Perhaps you don’t feel like you’re on the upward trajectory you want at work. Set a goal to volunteer for a new responsibility. Set a goal to ask for feedback from three people on how you can improve. You could even ask them specifically how you could improve to be perceived in the way you want to be at work.

Resolve to do quarterly goal setting with yourself and set achievable goals that will help you get where you want to be. Write them down and measure your progress against them. Revise them as your situation changes, and at least every three months to keep them fresh. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish this year.